When you meet that certain someone, you can see it in his eyes,
There’s a stirring in your stomach and the prickle in your thighs.
You meet and hold, then move on past, but linger just a bit.
Then “the knowing” that he noticed that you may be a good fit.
There’s a place among the crowd, an empty chair beside his spot,
There’s a feeling of comfort, this is the place where you were brought.
His breath, his smile, his presence, it’s surprisingly so strong.
It’s “the knowing” that he wants the same, that this cannot be wrong.
A chat, a joke, an awkward laugh and a casual good bye,
Sitting there reflecting on what you felt; a longing and a sigh.
Then gone before I turn around, he leaves and throws a wave.
Then “the knowing” that I read it right, the look that he just gave.
The weeks of waiting brought a call, a meeting and a drive,
A belonging being side by side, a soul mate sense arrived.
It led along the water with much talk of things of trust,
“The knowing” that this was the start; the end was not discussed.
Many years of birthdays, raising children, work and all that fun,
I knew that we would be together; I knew he was the one.
Much has followed since a sunny day that hot July.
“The knowing” happened instantly, while there, just him and I.
I sometimes wonder who I’d be if that day had never come,
Would I have known this feeling that is passed on to only some?
Would I have known this joy, this bond and strong camaraderie?
Would “the knowing” still be there if he had walked right beyond me?
We celebrate his day, today; the day that he was born,
He asks for nothing in return; his course is walked and worn.
This man who likes all simple things; a walk upon the green,
“The knowing” of much kindness, love and nothing unforeseen.
Life is very simple; it’s our love, his girl and boy,
Their steps toward becoming whole, and finding love and joy.
The future as we move into this next chapter of our hearts,
“The knowing” that our love will hold us, and we’ll never be apart.
So, Happy Birthday Baby, you deserve all that comes your way,
We are so blessed to have each other to wake up to every day.
I love you to the moon and back; I’ve said it all before,
But “the knowing” that I’ll say it when you wake and sleep and even just once more.
~ Diana xoxo