Sunday, October 30, 2011

Recovery to the Un-Busy

I am laying here in bed surrendering to a horrible flu bug, but not being able to leave my computer lid down. With my head propped up on pillows and Kleenex piling up beside me, I am thinking that the least I can get done is a blog post. As I type, I know, yet still wonder how we get caught in that crazy pattern of needing to get something done. It is like a drug addiction; if we aren’t busy checking something off a list, our body begins to show signs of withdrawal. The tapping of the foot, the lack of focus, and small bursts of impatient conversation are all signs of the need to get something, anything done.

The addiction to “busy” is a symptom of measuring our value according to our “doing”. In other words, how much we accomplish indicates how much we are worth. The mere processing of that statement makes one think, “how absurd; who would go through life believing that”. Sadly, most of us do fall into this without even realizing it. We slowly move into society’s expectation of achieving and perception of success without blinking an eye. The slow and steady societal pressure wins the race.

But small subtle messages appear along the way, and the finish line doesn't look that appealing any more. The feeling of missing “something” in life, and the yearning for calm is your mindfulness speaking to you. It is telling you that it is alright to slow things down and think about what really matters to you without worrying about what the “norm” is. I’m betting that if you were really honest with yourself, very few of the items on your list really need to get done today or tomorrow. Some of them may not ever really need to get done at all. Think of all the time you would have to do other things that reflect who you are and what you want.

Someone in full busy recovery will not just cut back on the “to do” list, but will erase it in its entirety and slowly replace the items with only those that they “want” to do. They will regress at times because lifelong patterns can never dissolve completely; they are embedded in that spot at the back of our heads like a sort of societal branding. Being aware of them is all we need to continue on our path of the un-busy. And with that comes, oh so many, surprises along the way.  And so, I press the "publish post" icon, and feel a sense of peace that I got that done today!!!!

"The Simplicity of the Path Ahead"

I decided to take the day off of all things called "work" yesterday as I felt something going on inside of me (flu appeared late last night), and just play!  As a result, I went out into the beauty of the day and walked and "clicked".  I didn't think this pic would turn out to be anything as I layed on the ground to get but, it turned out to be one of my favourites ~ the shadows with a bit of sunlight and the brown leaves scattered between the green grass gives me the feeling of balance during the transition from summer to fall.....
Enjoy the stillness of the day!! xoxo

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Photography and Apple Sauce

This photo has inspired me to make homemade apple sauce. As I stirred the pot full of goodness, I had visions of me as a child sitting at our kitchen table colouring while my mother made her October batch of “appelmouse”. The combination of apple and cinnamon created a wafting aroma throughout the house, and I could feel the warmth of the smooth mixture over my tongue without having eaten it yet. My mother was, and still is, a cook of immense talent. She has ebbed and flow through the changing eating patterns of our society, moving from the Dutch traditions of meatballs and gravy, deep fried croquets and chicken simmered in copious amounts of butter, to a healthier style of fish and chicken accompanied by a variety of vegetables and grains. She is a progressive cook who enjoys her food, including the preparation thereof.

Fall presents a yearning for us to get into the kitchen. It is the time of harvest and preparation for winter. Traditionally this is when we cook and jar and set aside food that will sustain us through the cold months ahead. This “feeling” is not so much a need anymore as our advanced society has provided most of us with a large food supply just a short car ride away. However, centuries of having to survive has created an innate want to get busy in the kitchen to produce wholesome nourishment for our families. It has become an experience that we want to enjoy, rather than a job that needs to be done. Our “free-flow” way of thinking takes over and lets our mind wander into whatever thoughts come our way.

Sitting now at my computer as my apple sauce simmers on the stove, I am thinking of the 19th day photography challenge that has popped up in my inbox. The e-course that I signed up for has presented me with a completely different way of thinking about food. I have always enjoyed food and have taken an incredible amount of time to understand the value of it from all angles. But, this course has motivated me to “see” food in a different light; I have developed a new appreciation for how our meal gets to our table and who brings it to us. Seeing food through the lens, and then anticipating what it will look like once downloaded on the computer is exciting and rejuvenating. The biggest revelation is how this positive attention to food has inspired me to put more effort into the creation of our meals. Making space in my day to think about colour, texture and presentation has lead to healthier, more appetizing dinners for my family.

The bonus is that Tracy’s e-course has taught me a few more photography tricks that I never would have thought of mastering. This black and white production with a tint of red is created from the MultiImpression computer program that I use. Who would have thought that, when you take the time to push a few buttons and play, exciting creations magically appear!!!!
Creativity inspires us!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Leader's Perspective

I look at the lone red leaf amongst it's family, and see a leader in a pack. Not only is she the first to change colour but, she stands tall and proud among the rest as if to say, "come and change with me!"
Lead on my friends!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Colour Red and All Things "Energy"

Since putting my self in full work and creative mode and focusing on staying emotionally and physically healthy, I am surrounding myself with everything that provides me with energy.   Red is the colour of the base or root chakra,  This chakra is located at the base of the spine and allows us to be grounded and connet to the universal energies.   

Friday, October 7, 2011

"Beautiful Darkness"

These photos were taken as a result of an online photography course that I enrolled in with Tracy Olan.  Each day I, along with a group of photo and creative obsessed individuals, receive an email from Tracy describing a photo challenge.  Each challenge in some way encompasses the theme of "Harvest Time".  This particular challenge inspired us to think about the beauty of the darkness of the "light" season of summer coming to an end, and shifting our thoughts of sadness for the change into a celebration of the beginning of a new season

This is the 18th hole at Cataraqui Golf Course in Kingston, Ontario just as the sun was coming down at 6:15. The photo reminds me of the sadness that my boys feel this time of the year as they scramble to get a round of golf in before the sun goes down,   Avid golfers find this a bit of a "dark" time of the year as they know that they will be packing away their clubs soon.   This is somehow all balanced out with the joy they experience as they move more easily in the cool, fresh temperatures of autumn.

This was a last minute, "gotta get one more" shot.  Once I start taking pictures, I find it difficult to stop!!
I found the brightness of the sky with the sun peeking through created a real contrast with the darkness of the trees ~ pretty but, kind of eerie at the same time.  The definition of the rays streaking through the darkness brought brightness to the closing of the day.  xo

This guy, (yes, he's a guy as you can see!), does not look too happy that the sun is going down earlier as we move into fall.  I don't know whose dog this is, but I was late going to teach class that night and he was sitting by the path going up to the college. I was like a lunatic, searching for my camera in my bag (which I now carry with me because of this course) and I was begging him to "sit" and "stay" ~ He listened to me but, he didn't seem too amused ~ his expression reminds me of my husband when he is tired ~ lolz!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Destiny Girl, Will You Come Out To Play?

Destiny Girl, come out, come out, wherever you are!!!!!

I found and purchased this beauty at  
She's called "Destiny Girl", and she is this month's inspiration for the
 "Talk of Life" in the Kingston Whig Standard Newspaper
There's something about Destiny Girl ............ 
when she decides to visit, everything just seems a little better....... 
If your Inner Child is hiding, 
ask her to come out to play today!!!!