About balance; if you think it, it will happen. If you really want it, think it and believe in it, you will make it happen. You will stop talking about it, and you will unconsciously and consciously start making changes to create it. You will stop talking about all the things that create imbalance in your life, and you will start creating all the things that will bring you balance. But, you have to REALLY want it.
You will know that you really want it when you are willing to let go of the things that you think are important, but are not. They might be tangible items, but more than likely they are perceptions of what you believe others think are important. Take a moment to think about that...............
Have you ever sat in the living room in the dark and watched a storm? Waiting for the next sheet of lightening is like waiting for your next breath of air. It is an amazing feeling. The electricity is out; you can’t watch T.V., use the computer, cook, clean or do laundry. The only thing to do is to watch for the lightening, listen for the thunder and feel the wind whirl around the house. It is great because you are forced to let everything go. You are in the moment, doing nothing productive and it feels good.
There are 2 reasons it feels good ~ 1. Because there is no guilt associated with just sitting there. No guilt because it is justified; it’s not your fault the power is out, right? OR 2. You have finally figured out that you don’t need a reason to enjoy something that is not on your “to do” list, that is so non-task related, that is so inefficient or so non-productive. You realize that it has no impact on anyone but you, and you don't care because its just fun experiencing it.
Now, think about doing something like that every day, just because you have given yourself the choice to do it, rather than waiting for the power to go out. Go on, I dare you to do it!!!!
As someone who has thought it, believed it, created it, made it happen (. . . usually against the odds and with those around me saying "you can't") I understand the concept of creating your own reality. (I have a sign in my office that says "there are 3 kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder "what happened?".) But in making things happen, I have unintentionally created imbalance in my life. I don't know how to relax. I don't know how to do nothing. I don't even know how to "be" unless I'm working on a project.
ReplyDeleteI'm envious. I believe I've come to a point where I want to slow down; to sit and relax, but I don't know how. My mind is constantly on the "to do" list (. . . and sometimes its not even MY "to do" list!) I want to let go! Do I not want it bad enough?
Where does someone like me start?