Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Charlie Chaplin Message

This video was made in the 1940’s and is even more prevalent today; it is time for a change.  Prepare yourself….when you open it you will see Charlie Chaplin dressed as Hitler and speaking in the same tone as Hitler, but with a very different message.  Think about the message that the image is sending, and remember that just because someone of power says something, doesn’t mean we have to agree with them.  Chaplin is using the image of Hitler and his power to tell you a very different message………..very interesting.

Charlie Chaplin Message


  1. There were some other great motivational videos surrounding the Charlie Chaplin one too. Thanks for sharing! xo

  2. Me too. These little life "coincidences", how could we live without them! I would love to sit and chat! Send me an inbox (babisugarman@gmail.com).xoxo
