Do you ever feel like you've been faking it all these years? Like everything that you have been doing, saying and your whole being has been an imposter living inside your body. Everyone around you thought you liked what you were doing because you did it well. You changed careers / jobs several times, and felt like you failed each time because you were swayed by society's perception of your shift. Each time, you thought, "When am I going to get it right"? "Why can't I find something I am happy doing"? What you finally realized is that each time you changed your course you made a choice that brought you closer to your real purpose.
You did get it right because with each step you learned more about what you don't want to do or be, and you moved closer to what you are meant to be doing and are meant to become. With each life change and decision you made, you evolved towards your ultimate goal of genuine self. You didn't consciously know what your destiny was, but you knew that you weren’t there yet. You embraced the excitement of change, and welcomed the evolution of who you were eventually meant to be, even when it felt uncomfortable. You fought the feelings of allowing others' reactions to control your thoughts. You heard the criticism and then placed it on the shelf. You ignored adult peer pressure and shunned the cult of "sameness". You decided to listen to what you were passionate about and followed its lead. You didn’t always see the destination but, without realizing it, you knew that you would arrive there when the time was right. Although not always pleasant, you took the steps to move ahead, and each time you were confident that you were making the right choice given your circumstances and responsibilities. This is called “integrity”.
We consider someone with integrity as an individual who is honest and sincere while making decisions without hurting anyone in her life. That definition needs to include you. Just as you cannot love others if you don’t love yourself, how can you possibly be honest and sincere with others if not with yourself?
I dare you to continue to be yourself, use your integrity to make decisions and love all that you are; you will never feel like you are faking it again.
It's called 're inventing yourself', and you're damn good at it! Takes a lot of courage and hard work.xo