Friday, June 17, 2011

The Hand that Feeds the Soul

My friend, Marla and I have many parallels in our lives, past and present. We have just discovered a friendship after having known each other as mere acquaintances for 30 years. She joined me on the photog day last week, and she created this beautiful photo of my hand. When I first looked at it, I was taken aback as the image was a bit overwhelming for me. I’m not sure if Marla realized the symbolism she had depicted with my fingers grasping tightly around the willow stems.

I remember holding the willows and wondering how long I could keep my grip as the little strength I had felt like it would give out at any time. The Rheumatoid in the middle and pinky fingers allowed them to forfeit helping the other fingers in their effort to balance the bundle on top of the other tiring hand lifting from the bottom. Their other task was to pull all the stems together stopping them from slipping apart and falling to the ground.

At one point, I could feel the burning sensation in the large knuckle furthest from the willows as it worked tirelessly to support the others. If I had looked down, I would have noticed how the veins in my hand had kicked in supplying more blood flow in an attempt to maintain the level of energy it needed to complete this task. My body had produced a little team of soldiers to fight for the cause, and I was not going to let it down. I smiled as we spoke by the fountain in the market square as I clasped tightly to the willows. If I paid any attention or spoke of the pain, I would make it real and all would collapse; I would then give in to it and spoil my fun. And so I soldiered on, and so did my hand.

Although my body can be my enemy, I decided long ago to befriend it, flaws and all. It has taught me that no one is perfect and that their imperfections actually add greatness to the rest of who they are. My hands, although weak, provide me with strength. Not physical strength, but that of great inner strength. The fortitude needed to be accepting and grateful for all of the right things that life brings my way.

I am not sure if Marla realizes the gift that she has given me, but I thank her just the same.  What I see in her photo is a powerful message of determination. It is the will of a woman who will do whatever it takes to find and keep joy in her life.


  1. Who knew there could be such a great message in this photo. I just happen to love photos of hands, and in your case, I would continue the series - especially on the difficult days.... it's good to tell their story through the photos - both the pain and the determination. I wonder if the Whig would publish a version of this one?

  2. Love this inspire me every day

  3. Your perspective is an inspiring your attitude Diana! I recall the exact moment Marla snapped this shot. We were drawn at first to the beauty of the shot - the colors in your bracelet, the texture of the pussy willows...but as most good shots go, the story behind the first glance, is what stays with us.
    Thank you for sharing...
