Friday, October 8, 2010

10 Commandments of Gratitude

As we move into the Thanksgiving Weekend, I share with you my 10 Commandments of Gratitude to follow every day of the year.

1. Be kind to yourself; take a moment each day to reflect on how deserving you are

2. Laugh out loud every day; it is contagious and feels amazing

3. Don’t take yourself so serious; nothing in life is that important

4. Be kind to everyone; even if they don’t reciprocate; they just don’t get it yet

5. Pay a compliment to each person you meet; they will feel great, and may pay it forward

6. Send one thank you note a week; there are many deserving people

7. Don’t be taken for granted; you deserve the same kindness that you deliver

8. Be yourself and shine; don’t allow other people’s expectations to diminish your light

9. Be creative; it is therapeutic and fulfilling

10. Follow your intuition; it is always right

Add to the list with your thoughts of gratitude by visiting "comments" below.
Wishing you many gifts of thanks!!
diana xo

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your gift of words, and Happy Thanksgiving dear friend. xoxo
