Sunday, August 18, 2013

Slowing Down My Racing Mind

Several times a day, I take a breath and step back to reflect on how I am feeling, and what my next move will be. I know when to do this as I feel the necessity through various physical and emotional messages I receive. I have a about a 10 minute window before I lose the ability to maintain clarity of what I choose to focus on and how I will show up next. It’s part of how I manage my leadership in a genuine and authentic way.
For many years of my life I was uncomfortable with being a leader and what it entailed both personally and professionally. Not because I didn’t know how to lead but rather, because there always seemed to be two ways of leadership that presented themselves as options to choose from; the one that came from my heart, and the other that was learned and was intimidating and authoritarian. I found this confusing and lacked clarity on how to choose the way to lead that provided me with moral ease and an ethical conscience.
I wanted to be comfortable with my decisions within a leadership role and for those around me to be accepting and supportive of my values and opinions. Whether I was leading or being lead, my fear of others’ reactions often moved me towards communicating ineffectively.  I usually presented myself as defensive and arrogant; as if my way was the right way, and everyone else’s was extraordinarily wrong. It wasn’t until I slowed my racing mind down and became clear about what the definition of a leader was to me that I was able to become self-confident and decisive within that role. It requires a great dedication to stepping back and creating awareness. xoxo
#meditation #slowingdown #leadauthentic #daringlymindful
Stepping Back

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