Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shutterbugs Unite!!

I have been yearning to play with my camera for years. I have looked for photography classes or a venue that would fit my amateur status, but was never successful. I abandoned the idea assuming one is either a great photographer or one who is not so good and not worthy of instruction.

Then I crossed paths with Marla, a woman who was an acquaintance of mine some 30 years ago through work. I now consider her my friend as we have both grown into a stage of womanhood that lends to growth and truth and peace. Marla introduced me to a fellow blogger, Tracey of Tracey is a photographer who offers workshops for multi level talented shutterbugs. I am so excited as I pursue my newfound love!!!!


  1. Hello Diana!

    I would be so happy to put together another session. I would say the magic number for me to host a group is five. We could either choose three nights (Mon / Tues or Thurs are my free nights) or one condensed Saturday - where we spend six hours all about town, and make a whole day of it - Intense photography fun! Give that some thought and zip me an email....I will give you a call if you think it will work and we can sort it out exactly.

  2. Love you are so sweet and honored to be your friend. Take care xoxo
