Friday, April 29, 2011

10 Things I Love About Everyday Life

One of the women in last week’s “Artist’s Way” group brought in a treat for each of the participants and me. It was a little packet with 10 blank tickets number 1 through 10. The packet was inscribed with “10 Things I Love About Everyday Life”. This was only the second meeting for this particular group, and I was inspired by the bond that had already developed within this group of individuals. I small gesture of this type opens a floodgate of kindness that evolves into life time friendships and support.

I opened the packet this morning and held the tickets in my hand. They had a feel of a ticket you would have received at a theatre back in the day. The ridges on either end were exaggerated and they each had a different coloured border and a space for the date. The date would correspond with whatever you wrote, on the lines provided, that you love about everyday life.

I turned the tickets around in my hands. I moved them slowly through my fingers and thought about what I love about everyday life. I didn’t want to do this quickly because I knew that this required some thought in order for me to be honest with my response to the question; what are the 10 things I love about everyday life? I also wanted to take my time because I knew that there would be a reflection during the process.

Once I got started, it was easy and my pen flowed across each ticket with ease. I was not surprised to see that each piece of gratitude contained examples of the very simple things in life, and that I had way more than 10 loves of daily living. I tried not to think of what I would have written on the tickets 10 or even 5 years ago as I would never have been so present to what truly brings me joy. However, I couldn’t help but compare my present state of mindfulness to that of the same person while she was so unaware.

I decided that I needed to be grateful for the awakening and for the gift that was given to me by one of the “deserving women”. The subtle gift of reflection presented in a colourful wrapper triggered yet more self insight. How inspiring when the participant becomes an Authentic Leader through the shear virtue of kindness and love of giving. My 11th love of everyday life became “the sudden reiteration that we are all leaders of authenticity when we each make the choice to live our life of truth”.


  1. So glad u filled them out. I did too .

  2. In reading this post and others I realize how well suited you are to the role of facilitator, and your Artist's Way gatherings are such a great vehicle.I would love to attend.xo
