Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Paying Attention

I finally got around to framing a painting that my husband and I purchased during our trip to Kelowna last July. I was looking at it today and was mesmerized by the beauty of it. I looked at the bird and wondered if he was dreaming of what could be, or if he was taking the time to pay attention to all that there was.

There is a certain peace that we acquire when we find happiness in the solitude of being by ourselves. We find out that we are not truly alone except for the absence of other people. Once we take the time to look around and pay attention to the gifts that surround us, we discover we are blessed with the company of so much and that we become overwhelmed by the joy that we are experiencing.

This epiphany triggers a multitude of shifts within us as we are no longer willing to sacrifice being with those who suck our joy from us. We become choosy as we surround ourselves with like minded individuals, and we walk away from those who diminish our lights.

You know, the ones who have to talk about themselves all the time. They measure everything and compete for attention. Julia Cameron of “The Artist’s Way” calls them “Crazy Makers”. They love drama and they want to be the star at all costs. They like to be the authority on everything, and they will blow out your light if it means that theirs will shine brighter. They are ego driven, and always in need. Their need over rides your need......always. They do not like to be alone because they need others to raise them up. They dream of what could be, but never do what needs to be done to get there.

They inflict destructive behaviours on you, and as an authentic person, it is your job to dis-empower them by not allowing them to control you. Say “no”. Do not give them special treatment; do not allow them to discount what you want; do not allow them to spend your time and money; do not allow them to destroy deals or schedules they have committed to; do not allow them to blame you. Do “call” them on all of this because you do not deserve to be treated like this. Crazy Makers create self-destruction while entrenched in “making crazy”. If you chose to allow a Crazy Maker in your life, you are choosing to not pay attention. If you are paying attention, you will chose to walk away.

I think the bird in the painting chose to walk away from the Crazy Makers and seek solitude. I think he is paying attention to all the beauty that surrounds him.  I think he is finding joy in his moment of peace.


  1. I love the term 'crazy-maker'. It's so apt when you think about those who fit the title...and yes, they make-crazy.

  2. I agree!!! I think I used to be part "crazy maker" but didn't realize it at the time; A good reason to give them this title with love and compassion in hopes that they will awaken and see the craziness they are makin'. :)
