Monday, April 25, 2011

Being Enough

In everyone’s life there seems to be a few people who we tend to feel like “we’re just not enough” when we are with them. They don’t agree with what we think. They don’t agree with what we do. They challenge our every word and move, and then attempt to coerce us to their side. At least, that’s what it seems like.

The truth is that this may be our perception of what is going on. They may be feeling the same way. If you think about it, if they don’t agree with you, then you don’t agree with them. As the saying goes, you both may need to “agree to disagree”. By doing so, you will be respecting the other person’s beliefs and you will be allowing them to be themselves.

Agreeing to be open to our differences creates a gentler approach to being in someone’s company who is not of like mind. It is when we allow the other person to continue in their attempt to change our value system when our integrity is challenged. When we adhere to being manipulated into being someone we are not so that we feel accepted is when we have disempowered our authenticity and empowered their control over us. We have now become that person who feels like “she is never enough” because we can never feel comfortable trying to be someone we are not just for the sake of “fitting in”.

We find comfort in the “blame game” as we hold them responsible for their power over us. We call them manipulative and controlling when we, in fact, simply roll over and succumb to their control. It is how we perceive ourselves and whether or not we have the courage to react in our true form that will determine our own empowerment. If you behave according to the person you really are, you cannot be changed or controlled, and you will not feel guilty for how you think or feel. It is not about reaction, but simply about being. You will be enough, and you will feel like you are more than enough.


  1. Reading this made me think up this quote...or remember it from somewhere; 'being is believing'. xo

  2. Well said...couldn't of said it better...xoxo

  3. This post is so serendipitous, you have no idea;)
    I have a person or two in my life where I feel too much for them. Too girly. Too expansive. Too outside the box. So I contain myself in their company. Make myself smaller, not so enthusiastic. I spend our visits, watchful of myself. And of course the fall out is always sadness, for me. We were never meant to be small for another. So... I just this past weekend worked on a new framework for this. A perspective shift. I sought some wisdom from a friend and therapist and she handed me little miracles. Good information is like that! Reading this was like another tap...thank you!
