Saturday, April 23, 2011

More on Support and Safety............

There are times in our lives when we become so absorbed in our own selves that we forget to see our reflection in the lives of others. Being able to recognize the connectivity of ourselves to everyone we meet will provide us with the ability to both empathize with their worries and celebrate in their achievements as they do the same for us. This is the beauty of allowing our support system into our lives.  It is a dance of give and take.

Knowing that we are not the only ones feeling pain or joy enables us to relish in the feelings of camaraderie. Recognizing that there are people in our circle who understand what we are going through and want to listen is the true definition of support. They are not there to “fix” us or challenge our feelings of achievement, but rather, empathize with our pain and feel joy for our success.

It is the fear of feedback that prevents us from sharing our feelings and thoughts. Once we have chosen the people in our lives who we know will not judge or challenge us, we can settle into being ourselves, sharing our thoughts and bringing our guard down.

This is an essential part of feeling safe and being able to grow emotionally. Being able to be ourselves and receive compassion, while simultaneously, being compassionate of those who care for us is the dance of authenticity. However, when we are in extreme pain or ultimate joy we sometimes get swept away by our own selves. We can become obsessed with how we are feeling and forget that others share the very thing we are suffering or celebrating. Our support system slowly dwindles as we push away the very heart of our support by not being supportive of others. Being aware of others is as integral to the dance as being awake to ourselves. Without the partner, the dance cannot be performed as the very body that supports us is suddenly taken away.

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