Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Disappointments Made Simple

There is so much greatness in the world, and yet, we are still faced with daily disappointments. It seems to be life’s way of balancing everything out. Perhaps, the intent is to allow us to experience the uncomfortable stuff so that we can remember to appreciate the goodness that always and eventually comes our way. When a glitch does present itself, we seem to get immensely absorbed in it, and it takes our focus away from what we really want to pay attention to. We make everything complicated while spending more time being upset about something that went awry than just allowing it to run its course. Sometimes we make problems worse by trying to solve them with over thinking and doing. Maybe we just need to bring it down a notch and make it simple.

Recently, while chatting with a friend of mine who is attempting tirelessly to lose weight, we came to the realization that she was trying too hard. Counting every calorie she ate, ensuring that she performed 45 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training every day, measuring out her daily water consumption and food quantities with every meal and fretting over what would happen when she went on holidays was creating a toxic environment for her soul. She was so stressed out that she became ill and threw her back out, both within days. It may be God’s way of sending a message to “go with the flow”, or just a gentle reminder to ourselves that everything can be accomplished slowly and with ease.

I could relate to this person as I used to get caught up in the intricacies of delving head on into complicated and overwhelming solutions. I now consciously opt for the path that offers simplicity and allows me the time and pace that I need to be well and calm. We are all looking for a healthier lifestyle along with a decrease of stress and chaos. You have the ability to seek the simple option, the one that allows you to breathe and enjoy most of your day. Doing more doesn’t always mean you are worth more; in fact, sometimes doing less proves how much you believe yourself to be worthy.

1 comment:

  1. You know my mantra... Less is more. Love the new look of your blog! xoxo
