Thursday, July 28, 2011

Having A Little Chat with God

Today I was reminded of the saying, “God won’t give you more than you can handle”. It startled me as I remember people saying that to me 6 years ago when I was initially diagnosed with Rheumatoid. The intention was to make me feel better and compliment me for being able to cope with difficulties. However, I remember perceiving the statement as me being punished for being a strong person ~ because I could endure a lot, I should receive more hardship. This didn’t seem right or fair to me, and it made me angry. I, like those who attempted to empathise with me with this saying, always thought that being strong and brave was a virtuous thing, and now God was telling me that because I was courageous he would give me more pain to deal with.

I don’t believe this is God’s plan. I envision God as a loving being who wants only the best for me. It is not any higher being’s choice to punish or see how far we can be pushed before we self-destruct. The entire universe was created in balance with the intention to continue the cycle of peace and calm. Unfortunately, we as a race decided to push ourselves to endless limits. These heights have created a human race that literally needs to “race” around to keep up with unimaginable standards and expectations.

So, when you hear the phrase, “God won’t give you more than you can handle”, remember that God gave us exactly the right amount to handle but, we chose to handle more, and more, and then even more than that. We are now on a treadmill that doesn’t want to stop and is difficult to jump off of. In the end, it really is a choice, albeit a difficult one, to slow down the race and enjoy the scenery. However, once you move a little slower and look around at what you have been missing, you may find it easier than you thought.

And so, I close by letting you know that I am taking a 2 week vacation from all things technological and work related. I am going to spend some time soaking up nature, and every morning I hope to sit on the dock by the lack and have a coffee and a little chat with God.


  1. Enjoy the time and space, will miss you
    Sending you love and compassion

  2. When we open a space in our lives, it's highly likely we may find what fills that place is what we need and love....

    Hope you have a wonderful couple of weeks and look forward to your return ;)
