Sunday, September 26, 2010

Quote of the Week

Before I change the quote of the week, take a few minutes to read it a couple of times and think about how it applies to you. “Be yourself because everyone else is taken” ~ Oscar Wilde.

I found this quote within a wonderful gift from a friend who creates the most beautiful “inspiration kits”. They are filled with fabulous quotes, anecdotes and collages that make you think of all things good and positive, and simply, and that celebrate “you” and whatever journey you may be on. The most thoughtful gift for someone you care about!!!!

I was taken aback when I read the quote “Be yourself because everyone else is taken” because it exemplifies the entire purpose of my wellness business. These words reflect my current personal and professional purpose. What I have recently come to realize is that I have, subconsciously, been longing to be myself for a very long time.

Let me go back to the root of my business and how its manifestation began. When my daughter was a little girl, around 7 years old, she came home one day from school and was upset by some girls’ nasty comments about her pants. Her feelings were hurt because she had initially been very proud of her new pants. She had waited for these pants for a while and we had just bought them the day before. She told me that she never wanted to wear the pants ever again. As I watched my daughter with tears in her eyes and listened to her words of self defence, I knew exactly how she felt. I knew what she was experiencing because as a child I had endured the pain of listening to other children’s and adults' criticism. Unfortunately, I was not confident enough not to worry about what someone else thought of me.

As I comforted my little girl, I decided that I would encourage her to believe in herself enough to wear what she liked even if someone else didn’t like it. I struggled to find the “right” words to communicate what I wanted to say. Finally, the words just jumped out of my mouth, “Dare to be yourself”. I asked her to think about who should decide what she should like and what she shouldn't, and whose opinion had any value to her.  I'm not sure if she fully comprehended the message I was trying to send, but she looked at me and she thought for a moment before picking the pants up off the floor. She folded them and placed them on the chair with another t-shirt for the next day.

As I approached my 50th birthday this year, I found myself cleaning out my closet of all the clothes that I had bought, but never did like. I gave them all away and bought items that truly reflected who I really am. It was the first step toward being true to me; toward being myself and no one else. Dare To Be Deserving is all about not being afraid to do what makes you happy and be the person who makes you happy without any regrets . It’s about teaching our children to do the same. It’s about taking the fear out of expecting everyone around you to respect who you are and to allow you to be that person in every aspect of your life.

Trying to be that person who others expect you to be is self destruction at its best.  Being your true authentic self is practicing integrity in its greatest form.  Having the courage to respect your self and everything about you is called love.  If I could have a coffee with Oscar Wilde, I would ask him to add two words to his quote.............”Dare to be yourself because everyone else is taken”.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Cutie. I love that you love the inspiration, but it takes one to know one. I appreciate the link! xoxo
