Friday, December 17, 2010

Let's Talk.............

I was talking to a friend today through facebook and she started to tell me how she was “feeling”. Suddenly, she expressed that she didn’t understand why she was telling me the things she was. It felt like an apology, and it occurred to me that women need to feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts, emotions and what makes them feel angry. So many of us think that we are the only ones feeling the way we are. If we walked out our front door and sat in our neighbour’s kitchen, we would find a woman feeling the same way we are. Every woman goes through the same epiphanies that you are going through.

At a certain time in our lives, anywhere between 40 and 50, we all start to realize that we are way more important than we ever thought we were. We realize that our personal value far exceeds our parenting skills, our career accolades or our wifely duties. We recognize that our own personal self is enough all on its own.

The problem is that we think that we are the only woman in the world feeling like this. Suddenly, we find ourselves, reluctantly, revealing an epiphany and another woman responds with consolation and understanding. We are surprised and relieved at the same time. This is what women do and what all women need to take advantage of. We need to confide in each other and talk. When we do, we realize that we all feel the same, and we can learn and benefit from sharing with each other.

So, don’t be afraid to talk to other women. Someone needs to make a move and share their feelings and inner thoughts. Why don’t you be the one to start a new trend?

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