Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Golf Week

My husband and son left on Sunday for a one week golfing trip. Yes, that’s right, I do “allow” my husband to go away without me, and it is to golf!! Over the course of my 26 year marriage, I have had many women negatively comment about this annual trip. Apparently, no man is worthy of “the golf trip”.

Now, here’s the thing ladies, you really need to think about this. It’s really not as bad as you think. I actually welcome the one week without the “man of the house” being in the house. For some reason, everything just seems more relaxed. We don’t feel inclined to cook meals that include all those %*&#@ food groups. We take the opportunity to not make the bed and leave our dirty clothes on the floor. And we tend to do more of the things that we want to do rather than the things that we feel we should be doing. It’s like we’re the ones having the vacation without even leaving the city.

Here I am at 10:38 p.m. on a Wednesday night lying in bed with a glass of wine and a bowl of homemade bits and bites (Christmas tradition), computer in my lap, posting on my blog. This would normally never happen as my husband would be sleeping soundly, lights out and door closed by now. It feels like I am misbehaving while snuggling in my duvet, thoughts flowing from my finger tips, the luxury of picking any room of the house I want to play in.

I was looking forward to this freedom as I kissed him and my 20 year old boy good bye 3 days ago. This is no secret, and he is grateful that I enjoy his time away as it alleviates any guilt that could easily be inflicted on him. I waved good bye to him and sat down in a chair with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. I took out my day timer and scheduled everything that I had been planning on doing over the course of the next seven days. Most of the activities included being alone, which is a wonderful gift because I have learned to love my alone time.

All was in place. My daughter, who was home with me, but has a social life that doesn’t include me, as well as, a part time job, would rarely be home. She only required me to meet her basic needs like food and shelter, and I had that all covered. And then it happened; the glitch fell upon me. She, the daughter, became ill. Not to worry; she’s fine now. But, yes, on day 3 we ended up in the emergency department at the hospital with severe intestinal pain, vomiting and fainting; poor thing!! After 5 hours she felt better, and we came home. The next day we went to her GP for more tests and reassurance, and lots of “mommy” attention and time. Turns out, she is going to live and she only robbed me of 2 days of my (my husband's) “week”.

Well, maybe more than 2 days as I now have a head and chest flu that has left me bedridden, but luckily, I am cuddling in my duvet and well past my husband’s bed time. And so, “why?” I asked no one in particular. Why was my week taken away from me, or was it taken away? As I lay here writing, I have a moment when I think, “maybe the “powers that be” believed that I needed to unschedule myself and do nothing. Once again, I had to be knocked over the head to receive the message of “nothingness”, and enjoy it.

And so, once I finish posting this, I will turn off the lights and go to sleep. Tomorrow, I will erase all of the items I had planned in my day timer, and I will do whatever happens to come my way. The thought of not having a list is enticing, and yet foreboding; a new way to spend my husband’s golf week, how exciting!!!!!

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