Friday, February 4, 2011

Quest for Purpose

I have been working on all kinds of different things lately, and all are projects that I absolutely love doing. It’s like I’m on strike from the things that I don’t like doing. I have had no plan, reason or any kind of logic behind what I choose to do. The only motivator has been the love of the activity, and that I feel like doing it. I think that deep down in the depths of my soul I knew that all of these little passions of mine would come together and form one great epiphany. And that it did.

6 months ago, I went on a quest to find myself again. I was lost, and I felt broken. Once I faced this fact and summoned up the courage to face my fear of it, my evolution began. I allowed myself to just start feeling. Every decision I made was based on my intuition and how I felt; no logic. Before I knew it, I had created a blog and was writing again, something I haven’t done in a very long time. I began talking with young women in local high schools about everything that I feel is imperative in maintaining a healthy life. I started working part time at the college in the esthetics program, again supporting young women. Finally, I am in the process of organizing a women’s group, “Deserving Women” which will focus on women inspiring women to be their authentic selves.

Last week, I sat quiet and reflected on all of the things that I was doing. I wondered if there was a common denominator. Although I was doing what I wanted, I felt like there was a missing link; something that would connect it all together and provide me with a real calling, a true purpose. I realized that what I am meant to do is inspire and guide women in their quest for purpose and joy.

I am now in the process of pulling all of my projects together to create one. I can feel that this is my purpose in life, and that because I removed all of my barriers and allowed myself to just be me, it all evolved with great ease.

It may seem easy to stay back and live each day doing what others think we should do, but that is not what was intended for us. We were chosen to live in this universe with our own individual purpose and joy. It is up to each one of us to make the choice to follow what was meant to be, not what we think others expect us to be. We need to be courageous enough to sit quiet and listen to our souls; it will tell us what we need to do and where we need to be and who we need to be with. Being honest and courageous is all it takes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're moving forward with your women's group. Tell me more! xo
