Monday, February 7, 2011

The Art of Unblocking

For those of you who have been reading my blog from its inception, you know that for the last 6 months I have been allowing myself to just engage in things that really bring me great joy. I had to go all the way back to my childhood to figure out what that really was because I hadn’t felt that for a long time. The only other time I had was when my kids were young and we did all kinds of fun things together, mostly centred on crafts and creating.

It was actually over a year ago, mid September that a dear friend of mine invited me to visit another wonderful friend in Toronto to take in her daughter’s art show. I had not seen her for years. We arrived on a Friday and, that night she invited us to sit around her kitchen table and make inspirational cards. She pulled out stamps and markers, ribbons and beads, envelopes and stickers. I sat and looked at all the items on the table and was overwhelmed wondering what the expectation was of me. Where was the prototype? What were the cards supposed to look like? I was caught off guard because everything about me at that time was in such a controlled state. The thought of sitting in front of people doing something I was not prepared to do was scary. I remember thinking, and I may have even asked, “What if I do it wrong?” That may sound silly after all, it was just card-making, but it was then that I truly realized how “out of control” I actually was.

My friends looked at me and told me to just play; just have fun. Once we got playing with the stamps etc. I began to relax, and suddenly I wanted to cry. This was a great epiphany for me because I eventually realized that the most important part of me had been pushed aside for a very long time. I used to be creative. I used to have fun. When I was younger, I dreamed of being an artist and then a writer. I wondered what had happened to me; where had I gone? I had truly been struck by a bolt of lightning, but this was just the beginning of the great storm called “Diana”.
I arrived home late Sunday and the next day I found myself driving to Chapters. I was in search of something, but I didn’t know what. Not surprising, I ended up in the self-help section, looking for the book that would magically transform me into whatever it was that I was looking for. I wasn’t there long when my eye caught the navy blue binding of “The Complete Artist’s Way”. I pulled it out and looked at the cover that read, “Creativity as a Spiritual Practice”. I didn’t open it or read the back. I liked the feel of it, the texture. Everything about it "felt" right; that’s all I needed; no logic, no direction. This book jumped out at me and screamed, “Take me home”. I held it tight and walked to the checkout. When I got home, I began to read, and worked through the 12 week program including exercises that require Daily Writings. This lead to my daily blog which, in turn, lead to my high school presentations inspiring young women not to lose themselves amidst this world of chaos. I am now throwing myself out there as a freelance writer and letting each moment guide me as it comes.
After much reflection and evolution, I have been awakened to the discovery of my true calling. It is now time for me to fully commit to my love of creativity and inspiration. As a Life Coach in training, I will be facilitating my first “Artist’s Way” twelve week workshop series starting the beginning of April (date yet to be determined).

We wonder how doors open for us and how our paths take us in the right direction. It is not a coincidence, but rather, a choice. It involves being receptive to what is and being able to unblock the barriers of our past. I was meant to be at that kitchen table sitting in front of those cards, and I allowed myself to be in that moment. I was meant to be sitting across from the great creative energy of my friend who knew what I needed to get me moving on to the next stage of my life, and I opened my heart to her unspoken message. Her subtle inspiration has guided me from a distance, and I allowed myself to listen to what she was saying. In the end, I allowed myself to follow the clues of authenticity. I allowed myself to listen to my intuition and take that book home. I threw myself out into the blogger world just knowing it felt right. I began speaking to young girls at schools because a force greater than anything I know told me to. I didn’t question it. And now, I am moved to the practice of coaching other women in finding this amazing and new existence I am now living. I feel no trepidation and no hesitation; it is a natural progression and where I am meant to be.  Won't you join me?  xoxo

1 comment:

  1. You're right. It does seem a perfectly natural progression, and there's no stopping you now! Congratulations . You are truly self made and no one but you deserves the credit! xo
