Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Rising Above Your Raising"

What an appropriate quote as we continue to think about our integrity and how we apply it to ourselves and not just others. Doing what is right for us no matter how we were raised or what we were told, is a feat to be celebrated with great gusto.

In order to live a life of integrity, we need to focus on living a life congruent with our true values and beliefs in all situations. That includes the uncomfortable ones like calling someone you love to task when what s/he has done isn’t sitting well with you. It doesn’t necessarily mean that person is a bad person, or maybe it does..... What it does clarify is that what has happened is not a good fit for you.

There are times in our lives when we are treated with disrespect. Whether intentional or not, it is not deserving. Just as the person being disrespectful feels justified with her/his behaviour, so should you in bringing it to their attention that you will not be accepting of it. Questioning it or requesting an explanation only allows them the opportunity to validate their actions, and provides them with the control they feel they need. Simply stating that you will not allow them to address you that way will remove their control. It will provide you with the self-empowerment that you deserve. Just as they believe they have the right to treat you any way they please, so do you have the right to reject it.

Easier said than done, I know!!!! It’s all about “rising above your raising”. Putting action into how you really believe people should be treated. And when I say “people” it is all inclusive with you smack dab in the middle of the group being loved.


  1. That is the perfect quote. Who created it? Was that your genius?

  2. I don't know who said it originally. It came from one of my "deserving women"; these women are far more mindful than they believe they are!!
