Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Icing on the cake

How many times have we heard the phrase, “it’s the little things in life that matter?” When we have finally found pleasure in being alone, we have truly discovered happiness. This is why I urge my children to discover how they, themselves, can bring themselves joy before they seek that certain other someone depend on to bring them joy.

If you take the time to pay attention to all the little experiences that make you happy, you have made your foundation. Sharing all of that with someone else will give you the icing on the cake, but remember that the cake is all you. The cake is you paying attention, and the icing is you asking someone else to share its deliciousness.

It is imperative that you see that the baked batter with all of its uncomplicated greatness is incredibly amazing without the added tastes of the sugary topping that can sometimes smother the goodness of the cake’s simplicity. It is when we truly love our plain cake, just as it is, that we are able to recognize that the icing is a bonus, but not always a necessity. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing like diminished expectations and gratitude to turn almost everything into the 'icing'.xo
