Friday, May 6, 2011

The Vision of a Vision Board from Years Gone By

In a couple of weeks, the “Deserving Women” groups will be creating their vision boards. I will be working on mine as well, and so, I decided to pull one out the last one I made 8 years ago. I was taken aback at the many parallels of desires I had back then and now. The biggest difference is that I am now fulfilling those dreams one at a time, but with the ease of doing things as I am, and having no time expectation or measure of skill or ability.

I had forgotten that I pursued a life of personal coaching many years ago, but never found the right fit until now. There is gratitude in finding support in being authentic, and great fulfillment in inspiring others to do the same. Even back then, although not fully aware, I was motivated to learn so much more about myself in a very deep and soulful way. Searching for faith through prayer, yoga and meditation, I wondered what else there was to find. Many books were purchased, read, and studied in my pursuit to figure me out. Back then, I thought that career was the path to “knowing” who I was, but have now discovered that it is just a thing I “do”, as well as, being the person I am.

I have always sought the comfort of security and trust in friends, but now do this without any trepidation as I have reached a comfort of "being" that requires no self-defence. The want to “slow down and smell the roses” was always there, and now rests at the top of the list of daily things to do as I stop, enjoy and celebrate. There is the added accomplishment of naturally seeking refuge as I indulge in the peace of being alone while I write and create and, simultaneously, find and savour my spirituality.

Eating well and being healthy have been a way of life since I was in my early twenties. A big difference is the degree to which I am willing to maintain it. I am happy to eat well, however, not o.k. with giving up all the delicious goodies out there. A nice glass of wine with a salty snack is my treat of choice. There was a little LOL when I saw that I chose a woman with a six pack pushing out crunches to sit smack in the middle of my board!! I understand the value of a strong core, but I honestly can’t be bothered!!

Some goals like updating my kitchen and travelling with my family all came to fruition during the years leading to now. Some constants like enjoying the love and company of my family, walks with my canine companion, Jake and keeping my sister’s memory safe, will never subside. Bucket list items remain such as making a quilt, ballroom dancing, bringing the joy of hiking back into my life and writing my book. I will always be most comfortable amidst the camaraderie of women, and my quest for personal evolution will be never ending as there are no more boundaries for me anymore.  xo


  1. Have a wonderful time with your boards....
    They are like sending messages to the powerful with a dash of magic. I LOVE THEM SO!
    Dreamy times ahead with your boards,

  2. I am excited to start mine...
    We are always growing..
    Believe, Act, Let go and Receive...
    You go rock

  3. ummmm, so much fun ~ did my artist's date this afternoon and looked through magazines, clipping out pictures etc. It stirred me up inside!!! :)

  4. It's great that you kept your old inspiration board, and in years to come you can see the evolution from board to board. Have fun! xoxo
