Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Yesterday was a Mother’s Day that flowed with ease as it was balanced with things that I wanted to do, and those that I wanted to do for my mother and mother in law. It began with beautiful gesture by my daughter as she set her alarm for 8 a.m. and made me pancakes with fruit salad and maple syrup. The coffee was prepared by my husband, and the tray held the added touch of a carnation in a vase.

Once showered and dressed, I met the two mothers in my life and my father for a walk through a nearby wooded conservation area. We spent an hour strolling along, chatting, and I took a few pictures of things that caught my eye as we moved slowly around the windy paths. Afterwards we all went back to my house for lunch and dessert prepared by my husband while we were taking in the fresh air.

Late in the afternoon I got restless and invited my daughter for a quick shopping excursion downtown. On the way back home we picked up sushi takeout, and then joined the guys for dinner. My husband and I finished off the day with another walk and quiet conversation after dinner. I then lay in bed with my eyes open in the dark and a smile of gratitude on my face as I had just spent Mother’s Day exactly how I had planned; with my family doing the things that I love to do.



  1. Sweet! You've got the gang well trained. I want to hear more about the brunch menu though. I too did not have to cook all day. It was perfect. xoxo

  2. The brunch was cheese and crackers/bread with fruit and hummus and some shrimp. And then raspberry and blueberry and whipped cream parfait with dark chocolate shavings and a truffle on top....and then, of course, wine. Simple but, I didn't lift a finger!!

  3. A lovely summary of your special day - thank you Diana, it was heart warming for me to read about this day for you. B.

  4. I was thinking of you on Saturday B. and knowing that you were having a blessed day celebrating the memory of your mother. Hoping that you moved through all the other events of your busy life this week with balance.
