Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Decision Making Made Easy

I woke up last night at around 3 a.m. and started wondering if I had made the right decision. It doesn’t matter what the decision had anything to do with, but that I was even contemplating whether it was a good or bad one was what is important. Just knowing that I couldn’t sleep for worrying about my choice, made me think about what I always tell my children, “your intuition is always right”. Having that “icky” feeling in your stomach is an incredibly strong message that your intuition is trying to tell you something. It may not seem logical and you may not be able to explain why you are feeling uncomfortable, but your intuition is connected to your heart and it is, in turn, connected to your integrity. That integrity is your compass for all decision making.

After not sleeping for several hours, I rolled out of bed and made a pot of coffee. I read my emails and the newspaper, and got ready for my day. I haven’t changed my mind yet, but I am still not convinced. Sometimes your intuition takes a little more time to convince you to follow your heart.

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